
Sunday, May 3, 2015

Painted Porch, Under Cabinet Lights and a MASSIVE Bean Bag

Hey dolls!

Hubby and I have worked on a couple odds and ends this spring, including painting our porch, which has needed to be covered for more than two years (eek!). We finally got around to it with the help of my family, using two different shades of a paint/stain specially formulated for porches and outdoor wood (Olympic Elite, available at Lowes). We went with taupe and cream to match the house. We also replaced the purple flowers on our outdoor fireplace and added a new natural area with stepping stones. It was time consuming, but we sure are happy with the final product and can rest easy now that our porch wood is protected!

Can you believe it was this ugly before?!

He also installed lights under our kitchen cabinets, which I'm infatuated with! I've always felt that nontraditional lighting sources can add so much to a room and these hidden lights really help illustrate that. This project was a lot heavier of a lift than we thought, with hubby having to drill countless holes in the cabinets and run electricity through some crazy places, but we love the finished project. Best of all, they're LED and use almost no electricity, so we don't have to worry about harming the planet (by the way, check out this really short, but really alarming video I recently came across on global climate - scary stuff!). These photos are horrible - please forgive me!

Last but not least, we're absolutely OBSESSED with our latest and by far ugliest ever purchase: a 7 foot FufSack bean bag.  We'd seen the designer versions of these for over $1000 and were so impressed with how comfy they looked but not ready to spend that much on a bean bag, but after coming across much much cheaper versions online from FufSack, we went for it, and are so glad we did. It very comfortably fits two adults and three dogs and is our new favorite chill spot. When company comes over it will definitely go to hide in the media room, but until then, this ugly thing is the best thing that's ever happened to us!

Thanks dolls!

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