
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

BEST NEWS EVER: They've Started Clearing Our Lot!!

Our super sweet next door neighbors texted us this afternoon to let us know that a bulldozer was on our lot and it was finally being cleared! By the time we got there at about 7pm the crew had already left, but the 'dozer was still there. Almost all of what they cleared were pine trees, which Ross hates, so that was good news.

As much as we've been anticipating this, it was pretty sad seeing all of those fallen trees and smelling the sap. I hate to think that we're responsible for killing trees, but I guess it was inevitable unless we were going to build in Texas or Arizona or somewhere treeless.

The lot was also staked off to show where the dream house will sit, which was very cool to see. We went through two drafts of our plot plan over the course of the last 12 weeks (we changed our mind about where we wanted the house to be situated on the lot so we asked that it be redrawn) and it appears the stakes were placed according to the original plot plan, not the revised one. I hope we're wrong about this, because there's a big difference between the two, but I've got an email out to the builder clarifying. God, they must hate me. I'm such a micro manager.

Anyway, here are a TON of pics (forgive our major excitement) of our lot as it stands now. It's so exciting to see progress! We're in the fast lane now, hopefully!

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