
Monday, November 19, 2012

Siding Installation!

Hello and happy Thanksgiving week barbs!

I'm happy to finally have some good news to share: the BDH is getting siding this very moment! This is the first effort we've seen in making the outside of the house look nice, so this is a big jump! Don't worry: our house isn't going to be yellowish brown, this is just the color the siding comes in standard. They are going to paint it "khaki brown" (see below) before we close.

Here are the pictures so far:

Here's the combo of siding color, trim color, shingles, stone and shudders that will make up the exterior of the house:
And of course, here's yours truly on the front side of the BDH which doesn't have siding yet, obvi.
We have no news to report yet on the icky situation I alluded to in my previous post, but I'll keep you updated!


  1. The house is looking good, Whitney! In a matter of weeks and months, you will see the fruits of your labor, and you and your hubby can enjoy your new house. And the beige color siding looks great on your house, especially with the dark-colored roof. Most people use beige siding because it suits most residential home designs and structures. [Rolf Matchen]

  2. I think the green cover of the BDH looks cool too! Hehe. Anyway, the beige color of your siding and the dark color of the roof make a perfect combination. They can coexist without necessarily overpowering the other. That’s actually quite pretty! :)


  3. Great looking sidings you got there! Any updates though? Remember that a home’s siding is more than just a covering against the elements. It needs special care, maintenance, and protection from you. Happy new year, by the way!

    - Cody Charlebois -

  4. Nice sidings! I think I will use your blog as my guide on installing my sidings in house so that my home improvement project would be done successful.

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